September 5, 2024

DC Law QB signs with AFL


Quarterback Dennis Havrilla, who spent two weeks in training camp with the Dodge City Law, has signed a contract to play for the Spokane Shock in the AFL.

In January, Havrilla signed with the Law after having spent two years in the IFL with the Arizona Adrenaline and one year with the Bricktown Brawlers. 

Law Head Coach Sean Ponder brought Havrilla to Dodge City to compete with Charles McCullum for the starting quarterback job for the Law.

In just two weeks, Havrilla emerged as a leader for the Law and gained the respect of his teammates by displaying a strong ethic and a willingness to help his teammates succeed. 

Havrilla also proved to his coaches and teammates that he has what he takes to be a starting signal caller and a field general.

“I brought Dennis in because I saw what kind of talent he has,” Ponder said.  “I knew he had the potential to contribute to this team, do well in this league, and eventually make it to the next level.”

Though Ponder had hoped that Havrilla would be able to spend the entire season with the Law, he is glad that Havrilla will have the opportunity to continue his career at the next level.

 “I am glad that Dennis has the opportunity to go up to Washington and compete for a spot on an AFL roster,” Ponder said.  “If he continues to work as hard as he has in the past, there is nothing that will stand in the way of him achieving his goals.  He is a really good kid and I am happy for him.”

Havrilla said that he enjoyed his time in Dodge City, but that he is excited about being able to compete for a spot on an AFL team.

“This is a little bitter sweet for me,” Havrilla said.  “In Dodge City I had a lot of talented teammates and phenomenal coaches.  Everybody on the team and all of the people in Dodge City took me in like a member of the family after only a short time.   But, I am really excited to play in the AFL and I’m very humbled by the opportunity that the Spokane Shock has given me.”

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