January 6, 2025

Worf Articulates His Position on Issues in Run For State Senate

zach worf senate candidate

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) District 39 Democratic State Senate candidate Zach Worf does not have a primary challenger. His challenge before November’s election is to get his name out there and stress the important issues he values like education.



Worf has worked at the Garden City Staples and as chair of the Finney County Democrats. He says the infighting over education has already taken a toll.

Worf like others in his party is backing an increase in the minimum wage.

Worf thinks the state can help solve its financial crunch be seeing all businesses pay their fair share.

Worf wants to also expand medicare and medicaid.  With no primary opponent Worf will run against the winner of the Larry Powell/John Doll race in the general election.

*On-air story*