Spencer Flight Simulator Dedicated

Scott City, Kan. (westernkansasnews.com)–After more than a year of planning and construction, the Spencer Flight & Education Center opened its doors for the first time to the public, with a ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication Friday afternoon at the Scott City Municpal Airport. The SFEC is open to pilots and non-pilots alike and features a FAA-certified Redbird FMX full-motion flight simulator. It will also offer various educational programs for youth and non-pilots as well as reservable space for group meetings or business functions.
During the emotional dedication ceremony, Bryan Vulgamore thanked everyone who was a part of putting the SFEC together in a short amount of time, whether it was through donations, or through labor of the building. The idea of this had come forward by friends of the Spencers, and grew after that.
After the ribbon cutting with the Scott City Area Chamber of Commerce, people in attendance were able to view the Missing Man Flyover, and parachuters that jumped from a plane.
The Spencer Flight Education Center is in memory of Dylan and Amy Spencer, along with girls Chase and Ansley, who lost their lives in a tragic plane crash on Easter weekend in 2011. For more information, log on to the Spencer Flight & Education Center website at www.spencerflightcenter.com.