Rice Wants Seat in State Legislature

Lakin, KS (westernkansasnews.com) House District 122 Republican candidate Stan Rice calls himself the conservative option for voters in the August 5th primary. Rice has challenged first term incumbent Russ Jennings for the seat in the legislature. Rice is happy that our area has expanded without the help of government.
Audio PlayerAs far as having a basic philosophy on taxes, Rice sums it up this way.
Audio PlayerRice feels he has the right experience if elected to make a positive impact in the legislature.
Audio PlayerOn education, Rice seems comfortable with the amount we are currently spending after the legislature pumped in an additional $129 million dollars. Rice would look for better ways to spend your dollars for education.
Audio PlayerRice is not buying the criticism that despite losing 200 million dollars, privatizing the KanCare Medicaid program was a mistake.
Audio PlayerGovernor Brownback agrees with Rice that he believes the program will turn around. The program has seen a 7 1/2 percent increase in enrollment since last year to 426-thousand. State officials say they weren’t surprised that implementation of “Obamacare” would drive KanCare numbers higher.