March 17, 2025

Norton wins fourth straight 321A State Title; Scott City rallies for fifth


Hays, Kan. (–There were many questions on how the final outcome of the 2016 Class 321A State Wrestling Tournament would turn out. With many tossup matches in the opening round, Saturday’s competition turned out to be dramatic in the finals. Rossville had the lead after Friday, and had a one point lead over Norton. With four in the finals, Rossville won only two matches, while Norton won all three matches, including a title-clinching pin in the first period, to win their fourth straight team title, and the sixth in the last seven years. Scott City is the only team to win during the past seven seasons. It was the second year that Rossville finished second.

As for the area teams, Scott City had a rough Friday in the championship quarterfinals, going 0-4. They were able to win all three consolation first-round matches to keep all seven wrestlers alive on Saturday. On the final day, the Beavers pushed their way to the top, with four wrestlers pushing their way to the consolation semi-final matches. Jack Thomas at 132, Wyatt Hayes at 152 and Tre Stewart at 182 were eliminated in the consolation Cross Bracketing round. A sixth place and three third-place finishes propelled Scott City to the top five in the team standings, losing only five matches on the final day. Cimarron had one placer up on the awards stand, as Josh Seabolt finished fifth, while Dylan Newton at 138 was eliminated in the consolation quarterfinals on Saturday, and Braiden Lynn at 106 and Derek Bogner at 195 were eliminated on Friday. Lakin had both of their wrestlers on the mat on Saturday, as freshman Logan Gugelmeyer came one match away from placing as a freshman at 220 pounds, while Johnney Perez was eliminated in the consolation cross bracketing round at 132. Wichita County saw senior Dylan Niswonger last until Saturday, and was eliminated in the consolation cross bracketing round, while Layton Tankersley went 0-2 at 170. 

The fifth place finish for Scott City in the team standings was the second straight year they landed in that spot. 

Team Scores
Norton 121, Rossville 117, Marysville 73, Smith Center 68.5, Scott City 68, Riley County 59, Hoxie 58, Silver Lake 52, Wabaunsee 50, Chaparral 49, St. Mary’s 45, Royal Valley 43, Wellsville 42, Eureka 38.5, Douglass 38, Council Grove 36, Oakley 36, Bennington 33, Plainville 32, Beloit 31.5, Doniphan West 31, Rawlins County 30, Russell 30, Ellis 29, Hoisington 29, Marion 29, St. Francis 28, Lyons 27, Burden-Central 25, Republic County 25, Cimarron 23, Oberlin 22.5,  Bluestem 18, Osborne 17, Caney Valley 15.5, Cherokee-Southeast 14.5, Atchison County Community 13, TMP-Marian 12, Hill City 12, Fredonia 11.5, West Elk 11, Onaga 11, Sabetha 11, Mission Valley 7, Hesston 7, Lakin 7, Riverside 6.5, Cherryvale 6, Hillsboro 6, Phillipsburg 6, Jayhawk-Linn 5, Trego 5, Remington 5, Ell-Saline 4, Hiawatha 4, Larned 4, Burlingame 3, Pleasant Ridge 3, Wichita County 3, Sacred Heart 3, Sterling 3, Ellsworth 2, Southeast of Saline 2, Halstead 2, Rock Hills 2, Chase County 0, Erie 0, Herington 0, Lincoln 0, Minneapolis 0, Perry-LeCompton 0, Flinthills 0, Uniontown 0, The Independent 0

Individual Results
Championship: Luke Richard, Riley County, won by dec over Ashten Dodson, Douglass 5-3
3rd: Kendall Beitz, Eureka, won by dec over Ryan Ware, Wellsville 6-4
5th: Dalton Ware, Royal Valley, won by fall over Theron Tucker, Scott City 1:26

Theron Tucker, Scott City
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Championship: Skylar Johnson, Norton, won by dec over Jordan Priddy, Silver Lake 9-5
3rd: Zach Tucker, Scott City, won by dec over Holden Butler, Council Grove 11-6
5th: Zane Stanton, Caney Valley, won by maj dec over Kolby Beitz, Eureka 13-0

Zach Tucker, Scott City
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Championship: Dayton Porsch, Hoxie, won by dec over Bryce Younger, Ellis 6-0
3rd: Alex Cavanaugh, Rossville, won by dec over Tyler Kester, Cherokee-Southeast 7-1
5th: Ryan Johnson, Norton, won by maj dec over Justin Skerce, Council Grove 12-2

Championship: Riley Tubbs, Wabaunsee, won by dec over Bryce Gfeller, Rossville 6-3
3rd: David Hileman, Smith Center, won by tech fall over Colton Steele, Council Grove 15-0
5th: Skylar Widmer, Marysville, won by dec over Devin Owen, Hill City 4-3

Championship: Chris Deters, Marysville, won by fall over Taylor Wilmarth, Wellsville 1:46
3rd: Colton Hutchinson, Smith Center, won by dec over Joey McFee, Rawlins County 6-3
5th: Hunter Ostertag, Atchison County Community, won by maj dec over Tucker Rhoades, TMP-Marian 9-0

Championship: Carter Wessling, Beloit, won by dec over Tristan Porsch, Hoxie 5-2
3rd: Dalton Dultmeier, Silver Lake, won by dec over Bryce Shults, Marion 8-2
5th: Spencer Heise, Osborne won by fall over Jalen Kruep, Rawlins County 2:45

Championship: Corey Tyler, St. Mary’s, won by tech fall over Kolby Droegemeier, Wabaunsee 23-8
3rd: Jarret Jurgens, Scott City, won by dec over TJ Ragnoni, Bennington 4-3
5th: Dalton Hensley, Ellis, won by dec over Trenton Wright, Norton 3-1

Jarret Jurgens, Scott City
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Championship: Christopher Ball, Hoisington, won by dec over Isaiah Luellen, Rossville 6-5
3rd: Chase Prester, Russell, won by dec over Hunter Howerton, Silver Lake Dec 2-1
5th: Clay De Waal, St. Francis, won by dec over Tommy Truesdale, Riley County 8-3

Championship: Mike Kasson,  Norton, won by dec over Kyler Mick, Bennington 5-3
3rd: Mikey Waggoner, Riley County, won by dec over Estin Overton, Chaparral 5-2
5th: Kelton Suchy, Russell, won by dec over Logan Sherman, Fredonia 7-1

Championship: Jacob Mintzmyer, Marysville, won by dec over Lane Moran, Bluestem 7-1
3rd: Lucas McMichael, Burden-Central, won by dec over Bryson Wesley, Oberlin 10-5
5th: Chuck Schmidt, Eureka, won by dec over Kaden Meitler, Smith Center 6-3

Championship: Isaac Luellen, Rossville, won by maj dec over Cody Clarke, Lyons 16-3
3rd: Jacob Jenkins, Chaparral, won by fall over Matthew Cruickshank, St. Mary’s 2:09
5th: Josh Seabolt, Cimarron, won by fall over Chris Truesdale, Riley County 0:24

Josh Seabolt, Cimarron
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Championship: Gavin Lively, Norton, won by fall over Kody Collins, Doniphan West 0:44
3rd: Cooper Griffith, Scott City, won by fall over Seth Fouts, Douglass 4:31
5th? Adrian Gerber, Chaparral won by fall over Tyler Palic, Marion 0:47

Cooper Griffith, Scott City
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Championship: Kole Davoren, Rossville, won by dec over Dalton Kuhn, Smith Center 5-3
3rd: Chris Cox , Oakley won by dec over Trayton Doyle, St. Francis 3-1
5th: Quentin Lara, Onaga, won by dec over Juan Guzman, Hesston 4-3 SV

Championship: Mikel Cottenmyre, Republic County, won by maj dec over Jared Plante, Plainville 10-0
3rd: Charles Todd, Royal Valley, won by dec over Collyn Auker, Norton 5-1
5th: Taye Washington, Hoxie, won by fall over Kolvin Berry, West Elk 2:40

Scott City Coach Jon Lippelmann
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