March 6, 2025

Moran: Closing GITMO Poses Danger; Weighs in on Presidential Race

moran pic in dodge

( The President’s plan to shutdown the terrorists holding cell at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba has drawn sharp criticism from the Republican side of the aisle including from Senator Jerry Moran who is convinced this will adversely affect Kansas and the function of the military prison at Fort Leavenworth.


Already the goal to close down GITMO has drawn sharp criticism for undermining the war on terror.

Moran and other elected officials from Kansas are standing firm in their opposititon to close Guantanamo Bay.

One keen observer of this year’s presidential race is Senator  Moran. The fight for the direction of the Republican Party is taking place between billionaire businessman Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Far from being critical of the candidates themselves, Moran questions those who wonder why Trump and Cruz have hit such a vibe.

Moran says he has decided just like in past elections not to endorse a candidate and let the voters decide for themselves who should be the party’s nominee.

*On-air story*