December 23, 2024

GCHS Students Advance to National FCCLA STAR Competition


(Courtesy of USD 457)

GARDEN CITY, Kan. — Garden City High School members of the Kansas Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, or FCCLA, attended the annual State Leadership Conference and STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Event Competition on April 9th in Wichita, Kansas.  In order to move on to nationals students must place 1st or 2nd in the state in their categories and score at least a 85% from a panel of three judges.

Caitlyn Harman, 1st in state, gold, national qualifier, Advocacy; Jason Tran, 2nd in the state, silver, national qualifier, Applied Math for Culinary Management; Culinary Team: Lydia Martinez, Victoria Ramirez, and Daniel Nunez, 1st in state, silver,  national qualifier, and they each received a $2000 scholarship;

Food innovations Jr., Emily Chandler and Audrey Norquest, 2nd in state, gold, national qualifier, Food innovations; Ryan Glaze, 2nd in state, silver, national qualifier; and Katie Chandler, 1st in state, gold, national qualifier, Leadership. 

The following students also competed and placed at state with their STAR events.  They include: Isabel Stratman, silver, Recycle & Redesign Jr.;  Brayley Fraizer, silver, Recycle & Redesign Sr.; Seferino Ramirez, silver, Recycle & Redesign occ.;  Connor Hipp, bronze, Sports Nutrition; Thida Southavong, silver, Fashion construction;  Ivy Servin, silver, Fashion construction; Tammy Troung, silver, Fashion design; Daisy Rivas, Mia Zapien , and Janessa Montez, bronze, Interior design; and Karmen Herrera, bronze, Interpersonal Communications.

In Leadership Educational Opportunity events the following students placed with Red ribbons (100-90%) and White ribbons (90-80%).  They include: Emily and Katie Chandler, 3 events, all red ribbons; Katie Chandler, Towards New Horizons, white ribbon; Carlos Muro, Towards New Horizons, white ribbon; Karen Janett Vargar De La Torre, Brenden Cabral, and Janett Vargar De La Torre, white ribbon; Isabel Stratman, red ribbon; Audrey Norquest, red ribbon; and Thida Southavong and Ivy Servin, FCCLA in action, white ribbon.  Morelia Saldana and Tiffany Ramirez, Focus On the Basics, received a grey ribbon.

Robyn Hilt and Elisabeth Maldonado are the Garden City High School FCCLA advisors.