GCCC Tackles Budget Cuts As Revenues Tighten

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) That collective sigh of relief you heard last Friday night was community college president’s across the state exhaling over a budget deal in Topeka. Just because the budget battle is over does not mean Garden City Community College is ensured that one of their greatest means for funding is stable.
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GCCC President Doctor Herbert Swender has been proactive in trimming a little more than a million dollars.
Audio PlayerSwender says GCCC receives 12 percent of its overall budget from the state. With increased enrollment expected next year, the goal for Swender remains the same.
Audio PlayerUnlike some institutions, Swender does not want to nickel and dime students.
Audio PlayerSwender says GCCC has a partnership with National American University that makes the total cost for getting a baccalaureate $180 a credit hour.
*On-air story*
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