GCCC Board of Trustees Approve 2.2 Million Dollar Transportation Building

[Garden City, KS] August 26, 2021 — The Garden City Community College Board of Trustees approved a contract for the construction of a transportation building on campus during a special meeting on August 26th.
A transportation building has been in the GCCC Master Facilities Plan for several years and is needed to protect the campus fleet from sun, wind, rain, vandalism, and other hazards. The building will house all campus buses as well as transit vans.
The base bid included a 10,000 sq. ft. building with four bays. Three additional options were included in each contractors’ bid: an extra bay, glass garage doors, and heated flooring. An extra bay would be utilized as a wash bay and for minor maintenance. Cost savings would be realized from both being done in-house. The glass garage doors, which will be on the campus facing side of the building, would provide security, natural lighting, and aesthetically match the rest of campus. The heated flooring would provide employee comfort during winter working conditions, while also assisting with keeping consistent temperature levels in the building.
Bids from five companies were reviewed by the Board. The low bidder and winner for this project was Dick Construction of Garden City, KS. After discussion, the Board approved a $2,200,845 contract for four bays, an extra bay, glass east garage doors, and heated flooring, including architectural fees.
Construction will begin in February 2022, with the building being delivered next April. The project is estimated to be completed by September 2022.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees is set for Tuesday, September 14th at 6 p.m. in the Endowment Room at the Beth Tedrow Student Center.