Garden City activists gather as election time draws near

Garden City, Kan (WesternKansasNews.Com) – Voter turnout for the Value Them Both could bring a lot more people to the polls August 2.
As the August primary election draws near, Garden City activist took a stand over the weekend in efforts to inform people on the importance of the upcoming issues.
On Sunday, locals flooded Stevens Park in downtown Garden City as young organizers lead the event. The night opened up with a open mic session as members of VoteNoGC shared true anonymous stories on reproductive rights.
“It all really started with a text message” said Marilu Melendez, co-founder of the event. “Our goal was to inform people in southwest Kansas and stay as peaceful as possible” added Jennifer Banetes.
Kansans who are not registered to vote but would like to participate in the primary election must complete a voter registration form. In addition, those who have recently moved or changed their name must re-register to vote.
Kansans can register to vote online or check their voter registration status at Kansans may also register to vote at their county election office, the Secretary of State’s office, or at their local Department of Motor Vehicles. Kansas will decide on the Value Them Both Amendment.