December 22, 2024

Free and Reduced Lunch Applications Mailed Out


USD 457

The Nutrition Services department at Garden City Public Schools has mailed out the free and reduced lunch applications to all pre-enrolled U.S.D. 457 students.  Students who receive food stamps or are in the migrant or homeless programs will receive a letter letting them know they have been automatically enrolled into the program.

Parents who did not receive an application in the mail and think they qualify for this service can fill out an application online at  Completed applications need to be returned to the Nutrition Services department before Friday, August 28, 2020. The applications can be placed in a drop box located at the front door of the Educational Support Center, 1205 Fleming Street.

The district is asking parents to update their contact information with the schools. The district needs this contact information so buildings can contact families on any updates as we progress through the school year. 

Families can go to the district website for more information at