January 3, 2025

Doll: Support Shaped by Person More Than Party

rep john doll

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) House Representative John Doll ten years ago ran against Republican Jerry Moran for Congress as a Democrat.  Now Doll is being challenged by his critics for running against sitting State Senator Larry Powell as a Republican for his seat in district 39.


Doll has been elected twice as a Republican in House District 123 and is displeased by the legislature’s recent shift in the  tax structure which has increased both sales tax and property tax.

The governor’s drive to zero has drawn sharp criticism including from Representative Doll.  Doll was asked if Governor Brownback was a victim of his own pride.

Now word comes the Kansas Association of School Boards is asking for another 900 million in additional funding for schools as part of adequacy funding for education.  Even Doll thinks that a bit much.

We will focus on the amount KASB requested for education on Thursday.

*On-air story*