March 18, 2025

Crystal Apple Awards Teacher Nomination Process Now Available

The Crystal Apple Committee of the Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce has announced the teacher nomination process is now open. Anyone can nominate a teacher from any certified, state-recognized school from pre-school through senior high school in Finney County. The Chamber knows the importance of our teachers as they nurture our children’s inquisitive minds and prepare them for the challenges of the future, including business leaders. Teachers need and deserve our support. The Chamber’s Crystal Apple Committee is made up of representatives from the business community who look to honor outstanding teachers in Finney County for their exceptional efforts in education. Roy Cessna is the chair of the Crystal Apple committee.

Over 4,000 brochures will be distributed to every pre-school through high school student in our county. The teachers who are nominated will then be part of a process that includes an application, interview and classroom visit. After the nominated teacher submits their application, the Crystal Apple Committee will narrow the group to twelve semi-finalists who will then be interviewed by a different group of judges. Then 6 finalists will be selected and will then be observed by 3 different Crystal Apple committee members in their classrooms.

The top three of the six finalists will be named as the 2018 Crystal Apple Teachers of Finney County at a banquet beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at the Clarion Inn, 1911 East Kansas Avenue. They will receive an engraved crystal apple, $1,000 cash award and an iPad courtesy of COX Communications. The three finalists will be presented with a cash award of $250.

Everyone in our community is invited to attend the awards banquet, especially past Crystal Apple Award recipients. Tickets to the event will be available for sale beginning November 1st and are $25 each. Tickets may be purchased at the Chamber office, 1509 E. Fulton Terrace and online at

The Crystal Apple Program is supported by community members and businesses throughout Finney County. The 2018 Crystal Apple Awards sponsors include: Presenting Sponsor – Bors Law, P.A.; Media Sponsor – COX Communications.

Gold Sponsors – Clarion Inn, Black Hills Energy, Fry Eye Associates, High Plains Orthodontics, PA, Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Silver Sponsor – The Garden City Telegram; Bronze Sponsor – Reeve Cattle Company; Crystal Sponsors – American State Bank and Trust Company, and Golden Plains Credit Union; Crystal Sponsors – Garden City Public Schools Foundation, Gibson, Mancini, Carmichael and Nelson; Friend of Education Sponsor – Scheopner’s Water Conditioning, Time Out Sports Lounge and Grill.

About the Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce
Founded in 1888, the Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce fosters a sense of community and provides its members with the tools and contacts for success. Comprised of over 450 local businesses, the chamber focuses on aggressive political advocacy for business on the local, state and federal levels along with offering a vast array of educational and networking programs to help its members, both large and small, gain the skills and resources necessary to thrive and prosper in today’s economy. For more information on the Garden City Chamber, please call (620) 276-3264 or visit