March 16, 2025

City of Dodge City 2019 Asphalt Street Project

City of Dodge City

DODGE CITY, Kansas. — APAC-Kansas plans to begin work on the 2019 Asphalt Street Projects starting Monday, August 19, 2019.

The 2019 Asphalt Street Projects will cover 24 City blocks, utilizing varying maintenance methods. In total, the projects will resurface approximately 34,000 square yards of asphalt streets and lay over 4,400 tons of asphalt.

Work will move fast on these projects, and all areas are expected to be completed within approximately three weeks, depending on the weather. During the constructions process, APAC will be requesting assistance from residents in their work zones to clear all vehicles from the streets by sending out letters before construction starts on each street. Certain areas will only be closed during the day for construction operations and reopened at the end of the day, while others will be closed for approximately one week, depending on the type of work being done in the area.

As always, please pay attention to and obey all traffic controls in the construction zones.
Work will take place on the following streets over the next few weeks. You may also see the attached map for locations:

Hillcrest Dr. Division St. to Linn St.
Military Ave. Ave. L to Ave. M
Wright Ave. Division St to Wyatt Earp Blvd.
W. Spruce St. Greenwood Ave. to Westlawn Ave.
Division St 9th Ave. to 9th Ave.
11 th Ave. W. Brier St. to Comanche St.
9 th Ave. Wyatt Earp Blvd. to Division St
W. Ash St 13th Ave. to 12th Ave.
E. Magnolia St. Ave. E to Ave. F
E. Magnolia St. Ave. G to Ave. H
E. Mulberry St. Ave. C to Ave. D

E. Mulberry St. Ave. F to Ave. G
E. Oak St. Ave. F to Ave. G
Military Ave. Ave. M to Ave. N
Kirk St. Sycamore St. to Willow St.