Chamber Crystal Apple Teacher Finalists Named

Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce
The Garden City Area Chamber of Commerce has announced the six finalists for the annual Crystal Apple Teacher Recognition Awards.
The Crystal Apple program honors outstanding teachers in Finney County for their exceptional efforts in education. The 2019 finalists are: Dalana Billinger, Gertrude Walker Elementary School; David Brager, Gertrude Walker Elementary School; Kelly Butcher, Garden City High School; Makenzi Johnson, Garden City High School; Paul Lappin, Garden City High School; and Sarah Wise, Kenneth Henderson Middle School.
The top three finalists will be named as the 2019 Crystal Apple Teachers of Finney County at the awards banquet hosted by presenting sponsor Bors Law, P.A., on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at the Clarion Inn, 1911 East Kansas Avenue. The three finalists will receive an engraved crystal apple, $1,000 check and an iPad tablet courtesy of COX Communications. The three semi-finalists will be presented with a check of $250.
Reservations for the banquet are required by 5 p.m., Friday, November 8, 2019. Cost is $25 per person. Tickets will be available beginning October 1st at the Chamber office, 1509 E. Fulton Terrace, or online at
The Crystal Apple Program is supported by community members and businesses throughout Finney County. The 2019 Crystal Apple Awards sponsors are: Presenting Sponsor – Bors Law, P.A.; Media Sponsor – COX Communications; Gold Sponsors – Black Hills Energy, Fry Eye Associates, High Plains Orthodontics, PA, Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Silver Sponsor – The Garden City Telegram; Bronze Sponsor – Reeve Cattle Company; Crystal Sponsors – American State Bank and Trust Company, and Golden Plains Credit Union; Crystal Sponsors – Garden City Public Schools Foundation, Gibson, Mancini, Carmichael and Nelson; Friend of Education Sponsor – Scheopner’s Water Conditioning, Time Out Sports Lounge and Grill.
For more information about the event, contact the Chamber at (620) 276-3264.