March 15, 2025

Battle Over Protecting Your Right to Vote

secretary of state cand jean schodorf

Topeka, KS ( This week’s decision in federal court to uphold Kansas requirement on providing proof of citizenship for new voters didn’t sit well with everybody.  Democratic Secretary of State candidate Jean Schodorf called out the current office holder Kris Kobach for waging a war on voting.

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Kobach has not recognized the federal form used to attest that a person is a citizen.  Here is what Schodorf would do instead.

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Still without significant problems of voter fraud, Schodorf continues to back requiring voters bring a valid id to the polls and has come up with an idea of increasing voter participation.

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Schodorf says Oregon has a similar setup and their voter turnout is eighty five percent.



Schodorf is confident the ruling will eventually be overturned.

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