December 23, 2024

April 21 City Commission Meeting to Be Held Remotely


City of Garden City

GARDEN CITY – In an effort to follow social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19
pandemic, the April 21 City Commission meeting will be conducted as a virtual meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to watch the meeting live on Channel 8, the City’s Facebook or YouTube pages, or at their own convenience once the meeting video is
archived within hours of its conclusion. The City Commission agenda is available at

The public is free to submit written comments via email to regarding any item on the April 21 agenda, and those comments will be shared with the City Commission. Please include your name and address for the public record.

• To participate in the virtual meeting via Zoom, during the meeting, you may use the
“raise your hand” function in the Zoom app to notify the Zoom moderator of your desire
to speak. Proper meeting decorum is expected of all in attendance at the meeting, and
anyone who fails to act properly may be removed from the meeting.

• The moderator will call on individuals who have requested to speak using the “raise
your hand” function. We will allow everyone to ask their question on the topic, but
please be patient as we navigate through the raised hands.


Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device:

Please use this URL to join. pwd=Q3RxdkZSMEJDOWdraTVqa2lldDBmdz09

Description: City of Garden City Commission Meeting for April 21, 2020

Or join by phone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or
+1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 943 4949 5110
Password: 724033
International numbers available: