July 6, 2024

City of Dodge City Prepares for Potential Outages During Cold Weather

City of Dodge City

DODGE CITY, Kansas— The City of Dodge City is staying up to date on the impact of the prolonged arctic temperature on our local energy services and preparing for all possibilities. This includes the notification from Victory Electric regarding the potential for controlled interruptions in power due to an energy emergency issuance, which you should be prepared to come with no notice.

At this time, City facilities except for City Hall, Dodge City Fire Department, and Dodge City Fire Department will close to conserve energy. Currently, this step will not impact City services such as trash, sanitation, water, utility bill payments, and public safety.

Information can change at a moment’s notice for City services and operations and the utility companies providing service to our area. We will post updates as we are able and as quickly as possible.

Below are just a few of the steps individuals can take to conserve energy in residences:

  • Pipes: During periods of extreme cold, like now, it can be beneficial to leave open your cabinet doors under any sinks, especially those on an outside wall.  Also, turn your faucet on so that it drips or runs very little.   These measures can help protect your pipes from freezing.
  • Thermostat: Lower temperatures and dress in layers and additional blankets to keep warm. Turn down thermostats to 68-degrees or lower. If health permits.
  • Close shades and blinds to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows.
  • Turn off and unplug non-essential lights and appliances.
  • Postpone using major electric appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, and clothes dryers until the demand for electricity decreases.
  • Turn off electric lights and appliances that you do not need or are not using.

This is not a complete list of actions that can be taken to conserve energy while protecting yourself and your home. For more resources, visit victoryelectric.net, www.kdheks.gov, www.kansastag.gov, www.kcc.ks.gov, www.blackhillsenergy.com.