September 10, 2024

District Moving To Level 5 Starting Monday

Garden City Public Schools has increased the operation level of the district to Level 5 Protective Measures from the district operational plan with some schools operating at a Level 6 Remote Learning.  The protective level will start on Monday, November 9th and the district will stay at the elevated level of the operational plan until November 30th.  Monday will be Day B (last name M-Z attending school) and Tuesday will be Day A (last name A-L attending school) using the (A/B) calendar.

The data shows that there is continued elevated COVID numbers in the community, which poses a significant safety concern for the staff and students in the district.  Due to the continued elevated numbers in the community the district will operate at a higher level of protective measures.

Operation Level 5 is Hybrid Learning that helps to ensure total social distancing with only half of the student population allowed on-site at a time.  The other half of the students will be remote with alternating days using the (A/B) calendar.  Enhanced protective measures include: daily symptomatic screening by teachers; masks required; hourly hand sanitizing; school libraries closed; no indoor PE unless with same classroom group or social distancing can be maintained; desks/tables must be spaced six (6) feet apart; no large group activities: concerts, assemblies, family engagement nights; school playground equipment closed; before and after school academic-focused clubs or activities allowed with social distancing and masks required (Ex. Sign choir, robotics, etc.); and modified lunch schedules.

This action will provide the district the opportunity to operate classrooms safely and effectively at the schools. The district will look at returning to a lower level only if it is safe to do so.

For more information, go to the district’s website at