July 16, 2024

Garden City and Dodge City schools receive state money for security

Garden City and Dodge City schools will both receive money from the state as part of an effort to increase security at schools. The state announced earlier this week the recipients of a $5 million dollar grant for school security needs.

USD 457 schools will receive $129,250, which was the full amount the schools requested.

“We’re purchasing Knox Rapid Access boxes for every building in the district, that provides a key or source for emergency personnel to access the building. We are also are purchasing Raptor Technology School Visitor Management Systems for every building, with this system visitors will swipe their drivers license to sign in and out that will give us more information and better tracking of people. We’ll also be enhancing our current camera systems and adding ALICE training materials and information for training instructors,” said Public Information Coordinator Roy Cessna.

USD 457 is also putting in an additional $129,259 for security and safety procedures.

USD 443 schools will receive $127,400 for security improvements.

“We will be upgrading our security cameras, our lock entry system and the intruder locks for doors, that will be for classroom doors in case of lockdown or emergency to try and keep intruders from entering the classrooms,” said USD 443 Superintendent Fred Dierksen.

In total the state grant is supposed to help improve security in over 150 school districts.