July 7, 2024

President Trump calls Rep. Marshall; Says he’ll bring it home finally for our farmers

Washington, D.C. – This weekend, Congressman Marshall joined America’s News Headquarters on Fox News to discuss the state of ongoing U.S. trade negotiations.  During his segment, Dr. Marshall discussed tariffs, NAFTA, and President Trumps’ negotiations at the G-7 Summit.

President Trump called Congressman Marshall following the interview from Air Force One as he was leaving the G-7 and heading to Singapore for the North Korean Summit. The President wanted to reassure producers and ranchers back home that he will get the best deal. 

“I’m going to bring it home finally for our farmers, for 20 years they’ve been screwed,” The President told Dr. Marshall. “I love them (farmers) they are patriots, and we’re going to work it out,” Trump continued.

Throughout the 5 minute call, the President reassured that he was committed to taking care of our farmers and is working hard to get a fair deal, which is not always the easiest deal.

“I told them (Canada) if you don’t treat our farmers well, we’re going to put a 25 percent tax on your cars coming into the United States,” The President said.

Congressman Marshall then suggested, “…Let’s do free trade, no tariffs on anything; that’s a real simple concept, what do they not understand about free trade zero tariffs?” 

Rep. Marshall discussed fixing NAFTA and getting it done.

“My people will be patriots, we’ll support you, but we have to get NAFTA done,” Congressman Marshall said.

President Trump promised negotiations are ongoing but that he needs his farmers to stick with him and they will see greater opportunity and more success from the deal he’s trying to strike.

“I’m doing the best I can, as fast as I can, but I don’t want to rush it so much that we make a bad deal.” President Trump said, “It’s a bad deal for the country and a bad deal for the country, I have to do the right thing, I’ll do the right thing, and it may take time, but they will make a lot of money because we’re going to take down trade barriers.”