July 7, 2024

Garden City man making yardwork more comfortable

Garden City, KS(westernkansasnews.com) A Garden City man has created a product to make yardwork less painful. Troy Huber began create ComfortTrim shin guards 4 1/2 years ago after he was tired of the amount of dirt and pebbles would hit his legs while doing yardwork.

Huber is now trying to take his product national. Wednesday they launched a kickstarter account trying to raise $5,000 by May 3 to help production. Those who support the product will receive the first pairs of Comforttrim at a discounted price.

Huber has already received orders for Comforttrim from three Garden City businesses. Comforttrim is also patent pending.

ComfortTrim is an affordable, stylish and effective solution that:

  • Keep legs cool, clean and comfortable
  • Eliminates the sting of biting flies and mosquitos
  • Is footwear friendly and slips on and off easily
  • Durable to use for many seasons
  • Adjustable fit that keeps ComfortTrim in place and comfortable
  • Breathable mesh keeps legs cool, even when wearing jeans

Easy cleanup – coated with material that allows for easy rinsing with water. Designed to fit over any type of shoe, the product can be worn as added protection to pants as well as with shorts. ComfortTrim’s unique rear-open mesh design allows the feeling of shorts although the legs remain covered. Designed to slide on an off your legs hassle-free, the soft comfort strip wraps the lower leg and fastens below the knee with its v-cut design. The non-stick surface also works as a barrier from yard trimmings and insects. With not much up keep needed, ComfortTrim can be rinsed and laid out to dry within minutes of use.

For more information on Comforttrim or to support them visit their website comforttrim.com or find them on Facebook.

Listen to our interview with Troy Huber about Comforttrim here.