July 6, 2024

Marshall Receives Assignment to House Ag Committee

(westernkansasnews.com) One of the main reasons he was successful in his challenge to Congressman Tim Huelskamp during last year’s Republican Primary was the promise of getting on the House Ag Committee. Wednesday Congressman Roger Marshall says he has received the appointment he was waiting for.



It has been three years since Western Kansas had representation on the Ag Committee. Former Congressman Tim Huelskamp claimed he was kicked off by then House Speaker John Boehner for not voting the way party leadership wanted him to ending a century long voice on Ag by a Congressman from Western Kansas.

Now that all the arm twisting has ended, Marshall says it is time to set the right tone for ag policy.

Marshall reiterated his commitment to shaping sound policy for the next farm bill and keeping with a campaign promise to protect crop insurance.