September 27, 2024

Agreement Helps Garden City Continue to Cut Energy Costs

Garden City, KS ( Commissioners signed off on a settlement between the city and Wheatland Electric establishing a change in the local access charge rate to use the power pool in Southwest Kansas.  Garden City Utilities Director Mike Muirhead highlighted details of the deal that went through the Kansas Corporation Commission.

Wheatland Electric released this statement:

“Wheatland Electric is pleased that a settlement was able to be negotiated between all parties associated with the Wheatland Electric Local Access Charge.  While it was not the amount that Wheatland proposed, neither was it the proposed amount of any of the other parties.  Wheatland feels it was a fair negotiation and settlement process and again, is pleased that all parties agreed to the settlement.”

For the city this settlement means a savings of a little more than 280-thousand a year.  The agreement won’t effect customers bills, but it does mean the city is paying less for power.  Terms of the deal will remain in effect through 2018.

*On-air story*