July 8, 2024

Seward County Men’s basketball team docked scholarships

The Seward County Men’s Basketball team will have two less scholarships to work with for the 2016-2017 season after having sanctions handed down to them from a self-reported infraction last week. 

The program was cited for violation of Article VI, Section D.3 of the NJCAA bylaws; impermissible contact of an unrecruitable student-athlete.  The penalty for the Seward program for violating the bylaw was the reduction of two scholarships for the upcoming season.   

Seward County Head Coach Bryan Zollinger said of the sanctions “This was a case of misunderstanding, however, we take full responsibility for not having the proper paperwork in hand and accept the sanctions from the NJCAA for the violation.”

Seward County Athletic Director Galen McSpadden echoed Zollinger’s thoughts saying “We certainly make every effort to uphold the bylaws of the NJCAA as you can see by our track record.  We are embarrassed by letting this slip through the cracks and will make sure that this does not happen again.”

The Seward County Athletics Department including McSpadden and Zollinger will have no further comment on the situation.