September 7, 2024

Ewy: Funding Schools, Cutting Taxes and Balancing Budgets All Tough Issues

Jetmore, KS ( He coasted to a win during Tuesday night’s primary with 85 percent of the vote.  Now Representative John Ewy looks ahead to the next legislative session in January.  The State Board of Education has for asked for another 400 million dollars.  Ewy thinks the state is already stretch to its limit in funding schools.

Ewy has one proposal of bringing more money into the classroom.

Ewy says funding opportunities are out there if people are creative enough.  A lot will be riding on who voters select as the next governor, but until November both sides will have plenty to discuss on the governor’s drive to eliminate the income tax.  Ewy is concerned how quickly funding will drive up without any alternative for additional revenues.

Some legislators are already talking about further cuts in the state budget to keep out of the red.