September 6, 2024

Running wild; Law QB named offensive player of the week


Law quarterback Joshua Floyd, Jr. has been named CPIFL Offensive Player of the Week for his performance in last Saturday’s game against the Bloomington Edge.

 Floyd threw three-touchdown passes and ran for four more during the Dodge City Law’s 57-47 win.  He completed 15 of 23 passes for 188 yards and ran the ball 13 times for 65 yards.

 Law Head Coach Sean Ponder spoke of being impressed by Floyd’s start with the Law.

 “Josh has only been with us for two weeks, but he has made quite a splash, so far,” Ponder said.  “We found ourselves in a bit of a bind when Charles McCullum and Dennis Havrilla went down with injuries.  But, luckily, we were able to sign Josh and he came in ready to learn and ready to play.  On Saturday, we saw that Josh can make plays with his arm and with his feet.   It will be exciting to watch him as the season goes on.” 

 Floyd said he appreciates the award, but feels that his teammates are also due credit for his success.

 “First of all, I would like to think Anthony Jackson, Tyler White, Kyle McManus, and Mack Randell, Jr,” Floyd said.  “Those guys did a really great job of blocking for me and protecting me.  Without them, I would not have been able to do what I did.”

The quarterback added that all of the players on offense played a part in his success and the team’s win.

 “I feel like everyone on offense did their jobs on Saturday night,” Floyd said.  “My job was a lot easier because they did their jobs so well. If we continue to play like we have been, this award will just be the start of big things for this team and this city.” ”

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