September 6, 2024

Buster softball tattoos Colby


Garden City, Kan ( a season filled with ups and downs, there were no letups and no setbacks on Wednesday afternoon at Tangeman Sports Complex. 

Garden City controlled every aspect from the start, in 7-5 and 17-1 victories over Colby. 

“We’ve done a lot crying and a lot of screaming this season,” catcher Danielle Aronoff said after the game. “But it all came together for us today.”

In game one, Rachel Roe was once again her dominant self, allowing five runs on six hits (the five runs coming during a late rally by the Lady Trojans).

In game two, the freshman made it look easy allowing just one hit in a complete-game gem. 

“When she’s (Rachel) is on the mound, we know what we’re going to get,” Head Coach Becky Gundy said. “And we stressed that we’re not asking the other girls to be her. We just need depth, and I think we’re getting that now.”

Roe got plenty of help from the offense, which pounded out 14 hits in the second game; three of those by Aronoff. 

“We just need to keep it going,” the sophomore from Littleton, Colorado said. “We’ve got another tough one this weekend.”

The Busters play No. 3 Butler on Saturday at home; then they host Western Nebraska on Sunday. 

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