Member schools vote to approve classification change, moves to next step

Topeka, Kan. (KSHSAA)–On April 29, 2022, the KSHSAA Board of Directors considered changes to KSHSAA Rule 5 – Classification of Senior High Schools. Following discussion and deliberation, the Board supported the first step in a process to change school classification. This proposal introduces a “multiplier” for private schools which inflates their enrollment number for classification purposes. Per Board approval, the next step in the process was to assess the opinion of member schools in the Association. This was initiated on May 6, 2022 , via a ballot distributed to all Principals and Superintendents of member schools via e-mail. Ballot submission from each member school was due June 14, 2022. KSHSAA Bylaw Article XII, Section 4 requires the majority of the membership to approve a classification proposal (in this case, 177 of the 353 member schools), and to be supported with by a majority of schools from the majority of classifications impacted (in this case, 4 out of the 6 enrollment classifications).
Results from the member school voting follow:
Voting Results were as follows:
Class 6A
Yes = 6 (16.7%) No = 30
Class 5A
Yes = 17 (47.2%) No = 19
Class 4A
Yes = 30 (83.3%) No = 6
Class 3A
Yes = 46 (71.9%) No = 18
Class 2A
Yes = 43 (67.2%) No = 21
Class 1A
Yes = 74 (63.2%) No = 43
Total Number of Member School Votes
Yes = 216 (61.2%) No = 139
Accordingly, the proposal has passed this step of the process.
Please note: With this approval by member schools, a change must now be made to Kansas State Statute to allow for more than just student attendance to affect KSHSAA classifications. State of Kansas Identifying Statutes need to be approved by both the State Board of Education and the State Legislature prior to implementation. Without these approvals, the school approved amendment would not be permissible. As previously written and proposed to the KSHSAA Board of Directors, changes to K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 72-7114 will be presented by KSHSAA staff to both groups for amendment in the days ahead.
Excerpt from the April 29, 2022 KSHSAA Board of Directors MINUTES:
A motion was made by Hines, seconded by Whittaker, to modify Rule 5 Classification of Senior High Schools, Section 2, by adding an additional Article 5:
NOTE: State of Kansas Identifying Statutes would need to be approved by both the State Board of Education and the State Legislature prior to implementation of any changes to classification. Without these approvals, amendments to Rule 5 would not be permissible.
State Of Kansas Identifying Statutes
K.S.A. 2014 SUPP. 72-7114. High school activities association; board of directors, executive board, appeal board; articles and bylaws; reports; classification system; executive director and personnel; application of open meetings law and open records law.
(a) Any association with a majority of the high schools of the state as members and the purpose of which association is the statewide regulation, supervision, promotion and development of any of the activities defined in K.S.A. 72-7117, and amendments thereto, and in which any public high school of this state may participate directly or indirectly shall:
(1) On or before September 1 of each year make a full report of its operation for the preceding calendar year to the state board of education. The report shall contain a complete and detailed financial statement under the certificate of a certified public accountant.
(2) File with the state board a copy of all reports and publications issued from time to time by such association.
(3) Be governed by a board of directors which shall exercise the legislative authority of the association and shall establish policy for the association.
(4) Submit to the state board of education, for its approval or disapproval prior to adoption, any amendments, additions, alterations or modifications of its articles of incorporation or bylaws. If any articles of incorporation, bylaws or any amendment, addition or alteration thereto is disapproved by the state board of education, the same shall not be adopted.
(5) Establish a system for the classification of member high schools according to student attendance and other means.
(6) Be subject to the provisions of the Kansas open meetings law.
(7) Be subject to the provisions of the open records law.
Rule 5
Classification of Senior High Schools
Section 2: Senior High Regulations
Art. 5: Private schools will be subject to an enrollment multiplier factor when determining classification numbers. Factors for determining the multiplier include school location, socio-economic status, and championship factor. To calculate the multiplier number, the following criteria will be applied:
Any private school that has won five or more state team championships in the most recent five school years will have a multiplier applied to their classification enrollment count. These select private schools will begin with a 1.0 multiplier. The following factors will be added to the multiplier for each select private school.
Championship Factor – cumulative state championships over the previous 5-year period (not activity specific, team activities only).
10+ championships: + 0.30
5-9 championships: + 0.15
NOTE: If a private school has won less than 5 championships in the previous five-year period, the multiplier remains 1.0.
Geographic Population Factor – public school attendance area in which the private school is located.
Within a 5A/6A community: + 0.30
Within a 3A/4A community: + 0.15
Within a 1A/2A community: + 0
NOTE: If a private school does not meet the Championship Factor, the Geographic Population Factor would not take effect.
Socio-Economic Population Factor
0-20% Free/Reduced students reported: + 0.15
>20% Free/Reduced students reported: + 0
NOTE: If a private school does not meet the Championship Factor, the Socio-Economic Population Factor would not take effect.
NOTE: The multiplier impacts classification for all school activities and will be applied to both general and football classification numbers. Schools cannot move up more than one classification based upon the multiplier. The multiplier enrollment count will not force a school to move from 8-person to 11-person football or from 6-person to 8-person football. Geographic location is determined by the physical address of the private school. If Free/Reduced data is not collected and/or reported, it is assumed to be zero. There is no process for appeal to change a classification that has already been changed by the multiplier.
The proposal was approved by a vote of 43 in favor, 21 opposed. Note, as classification issues are subject to Bylaw XII Classification of Senior High Schools, this item will be forwarded to the member high schools for approval (more than 50% of all classifications and more than 50% of the total number of member schools must approve the recommendation) before it is passed to the state.