City of Dodge City Asks Residents to Help Conserve Water

DODGE CITY, Ks (WesternKansasNews.Com) — Due to the current heat wave and drought conditions, the City of Dodge City is urging all residents to discontinue any unnecessary watering. City Departments have
evaluated watering based on the City’s current Drought/Emergency Contingency Plan and Ordinance No. 3585.
“The City of Dodge City will enter a Stage 1: Water Watch,” said Director of Public Works Corey Keller. “The goals of this stage are to heighten awareness of the public of water conditions and maintain the integrity of the water supply system.”
A water watch may be declared if one or more of the following occurs:
• City’s water storage falls below 75% and does not recover within 12 hours.
• Demand for five days exceeds an average of 10.75 million gallons per day.
Under a water watch, the public is made aware of water conditions and is encouraged to participate in water conservation efforts. Under the current conditions, water usage for the City has been over 10.75 million gallons of water per day. Water storage for water tower #1 and water tower #3 has fallen below 75% of storage capacity. The water watch will be terminated when the triggering events have ceased to
The City of Dodge City is asking the public to curtail some outdoor water use and make efficient use of indoor water, i.e., wash full loads, take short showers, do not let faucets run, etc. The complete Water Conservation Plan can be viewed at