March 16, 2025

Grain industry awards nearly $30,000 in scholarships to Kansas students


TOPEKA, Kan. – To assist in combatting the rising cost of higher education, Kansas Grain and Feed Association’s (KGFA) scholarship program increased its total amount of annual financial aid by $2,000 and awarded nearly $30,000 in total to 19 of the state’s graduating high school seniors for the 2022-23 academic year. 


The scholarship committee, comprised of KGFA’s membership, received more than 150 applications and granted the 19 awards based on merit and equitable geographic locations throughout the state.


“Our board of directors and scholarship committee understand the importance of introducing the next generation to our industry and association as early as possible,” KGFA’s president and CEO Ron Seeber said. “We are proud to support the education of our future workforce’s emerging leaders and we wish them the best of luck in their studies.”


With the membership’s recently-approved funding increase, KGFA now annually awards 18 scholarships worth $1,500 and administers the Dub and Inez Johnson $500 memorial scholarship fund.


Students must be a graduating Kansas high school senior, a self-starter with excellent academic credentials, good school and community citizens and show a strong desire to continue their education. They also must be planning to attend any Kansas four-year university, community college or technical school.


KGFA has assisted countless students pursue their education since 1976. The industry’s 2022 award recipients are listed below:


KGFA Scholarships $1,500 Recipients

Tyler Adams – Hutchinson

Timothy Biggs – Topeka

Madison Bruna – Barnes

Korben Clawson – Meade

Carissa Dalquest – Wilsey

Kate Ferguson – Ottawa

Kaidan Frederick – Chanute

Adison George – Holcomb

Dayton Lantz – Osborne

Tate McGinn – Sedgwick

Cassidy Paz – Jetmore

Timothy Pearce – Ottawa

Weston Schrader – Wells

Addison Sherer – Mullinville

Coy Stamm – Washington

Madison Warner – Kingman

Hailey Wurtz – Seneca

Grace Young – Osawatomie


Dub and Inez Johnson Memorial Scholarship Recipient

LeNae Knight – Jewel