Teenager arrested after making threats towards students

Scott City, Kan (WesternKansasNews.Com) – On April 25th, 2022, at 11:57 a.m. the Scott City Police Department was notified by the Scott Community High School about a possible threat. Officers responded to the High School and immediately began an investigation. It was discovered that a student had made threats to both students and staff.
After a thorough investigation, a 16-year-old male was arrested for 5 counts of felony criminal threat. The juvenile was transported to the Southwest Kansas Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Garden City.
The case will be referred to the Scott County Attorney for prosecution. We would like to thank the students and staff at the Scott Community High School for their cooperation and prompt report of this incident.
In partnership with USD 466 schools, the Scott City Police Department would like to encourage everyone to remind their children of the importance of promptly reporting school safety incidents to administrators/staff or the Police Department. In this incident, students and staff did an excellent job of reporting it immediately.