GCCC BOT Approves Contractor Bid for STEM Success Center Construction

Garden City, Kan (WesternKansasNews.Com) – The Garden City Community College Board of Trustees
approved a contractor bid for construction of the STEM Success Center during a special meeting
on Monday, April 25, 2022.
The Board heard a presentation from Dr. Ruda discussing construction of the STEM Success Center addition. Due to rising costs in materials and supply chain issues, the projected cost of the project has drastically risen. GCCC administration received three competitive bids from local contractors, but all were higher than expected. Administration worked with the lowest bidder, Dick Construction of Garden City, KS.
“We worked closely with GMCN and Dick Construction who utilized value engineering to find
ways to save without losing the integrity of the project,” Dr. Ruda, GCCC President shared. “Ultimately, they found ways to use different finishes and other touches that have incurred a cost savings of $220,000 without changing the value or integrity of the building,” he continued. The revised bid from Dick Construction for $4,073,256.00 for construction of the STEM Success Center was approved by the Board of Trustees during the special meeting.
The STEM Success Center will be a 10,455 sq ft addition to the northside of the Warren Fouse
Science and Math Building, featuring math, science, chemistry, and cybersecurity classrooms
and labs as well as faculty offices, and a multipurpose space. The center is part of a $5 million,
Title V Grant that will also bring three new programs to GCCC: Robotics, Cybersecurity, and
Crop Production.