Local State Rep makes controversial comments

Garden City, KS(westernkansasnews.com) At the Garden City legislative coffee Saturday morning Rep. Steve Alford of Ulysses made some controversial comments when asked about legalizing marijuana. The audio is provided by the Garden City Telegram.
Alford said in a statement to Western Kansas News that he meant the comments just in reference to genetics and nothing else. The 1930’s report that Alford references was by Harry Anslinger, who was the Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Anslinger’s anti-marijuana articles often contained racial themes.
Alford has since issues an apology.
“I apologize, I regret my comments and I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have hurt,” Alford said in a statement, clarifying that what he was referring to were the “damaging effects on the African American community.”
Alford could still face punishment from the legislature.
You can hear Alford’s full comment on marijuana legalization here.