July 5, 2024

GCHS Hospitality Program Named to 2019-20 Elite 50

USD 457

The Garden City High School culinary program has been named to the 2019-20 Elite 50 from the National Center for Hospitality Studies at Sullivan University, Louisville, Kentucky. The Elite 50 is an exclusive group of high schools and career and technical schools from across the country. This is the sixth year in a row that Garden City High School has received this prestigious award.

“The Garden City High School culinary program is honored to accept this prestigious award from Sullivan University,” Elisabeth Maldonado, Garden City High School Culinary Arts instructor said. “Garden City High School’s culinary program has students acquire the technical skills and content for the trade and we hope that it also inspires them to think about having a successful career in the industry.”

The Elite 50 list recognizes high schools as well as career and technical centers that have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in hospitality education. These schools set the standard for secondary school training in culinary arts, baking and pastry arts and/or hospitality management.

These elite programs are also marked by strong enrollment and a dedication to community outreach. Many of this year’s Elite 50 programs have won state and national competitions for ProStart, SkillsUSA and Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).

Criteria for the schools selected for the Elite 50 included an original recipe with photos or a restaurant management design and instructor educational/certification background, and informational materials such as videos or brochures about the school’s program. Further consideration was given to schools that operate a restaurant or catering service as part of their culinary and hospitality training.