July 6, 2024

National Beef Donation to the City of Dodge City

City of Dodge City

DODGE CITY, Kansas—On Friday, June 5, 2020, National Beef General Manager, Kris Ragan, presented the City of Dodge City with donations totaling $30,000 for the Police Department, Fire Department and City for the important role these organizations played in support of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“We have been overwhelmed with the support we have received here in Dodge City as we have adapted and adjusted to keep our employees safe as they continue to come to work to help us provide an uninterrupted food supply to families across America,” stated Ragan in a letter that was sent to the City. “We appreciate all you (the City) are doing in caring for our employees as they live with their families in this resilient community. We are grateful to all of you, and understand now more than ever, that Together, We are Better.”

Present to accept the donation was Mayor Joyce Warshaw, City Manager Nick Hernandez, outgoing City Manager Cherise Tieben, Fire Chief Ken Spencer, and Police Chief Drew Francis.

“National Beef’s commitment to Dodge City during these challenging times is representative of their ongoing, unwavering support of our community and region,” Hernandez said. “We are grateful for this funding opportunity, which will help alleviate some of the strain placed on the City’s budget as a result of the pandemic.” 

Dodge City Fire Chief Ken Spencer added, “This $10,000 donation from National Beef is very much appreciated, especially in these unprecedented times. A community is not only made up of its residents, but also private businesses, local government, the education sector, and community-based organizations. 

Police Chief Drew Francis echoed Chief Spencer and shared that “To be successful in keeping everyone including the community and its stakeholders safe and secure, we ALL have to work together as partners, and this donation is a perfect example of that.”  

Mayor Warshaw also commented that “National Beef’s generosity and support truly humbles me. Its support like this from our community partners that make accomplishing the City’s core purpose of making Dodge City the best place to be,  possible.” 

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