July 7, 2024

Modified Operations Continue for Garden City Facilities

City of Garden City

GARDEN CITY – Through at least May 15th, City facilities will operate predominantly in the same manner they have been operating since prior to the Governor’s Stay‐At‐Home Order. Doing so allows us to continue delivering virtually all the critical public services requested of us by the community while building resiliency through modified work environments and staffing schedules. As we’ve been doing since mid‐March, each department may make some adjustments to work environments and staffing strategies, but the basic description of operations at each worksite will be as follows:

City Administrative Center – All services (Service & Finance, Neighborhood & Development
Services, Information Technology & Communications, Finney County GIS, Human Resources, City Clerk, and City Manager’s Office) are available by phone, internet, or drive‐thru. The Neighborhood & Development Services Department will be using a poly cart placed on the south building entrance for plans and permit work to be dropped off. The building will be closed to walk‐in traffic. Public Meetings will be conducted via Zoom.

Utility Service Center – All services are operational and office staff is available by phone and internet. Closed to walk‐in traffic. Wastewater Treatment Plant ‐ All services are operational and office staff is available by phone and internet. Closed to walk‐in traffic.

Cemetery – Open. Office staff is available by phone and internet. Cemetery office is closed to walk‐in traffic. Graveside services conducted in accordance with State and local health guidelines.

Parks – Parks and trails are open. Playground equipment is not open. No reservations for
shelters, but people may use them and are asked to adhere to distancing and hygiene guidelines. Parks staff is available by phone and internet.

Street – Office staff is available by phone and internet.

Solid Waste/Recycling – The Recycle Center on Terminal Avenue is open. The drop‐off sites are not open. Office staff available by phone and internet.

Buffalo Dunes Golf Course – Open for public play with strict distancing and hygiene protocol in place. The clubhouse will be closed to walk‐in traffic. Staff is available by phone and internet and will accommodate customers outside the clubhouse.

Lee Richardson Zoo – Facility is closed to the public. Office and educational staff available by phone and internet.

Garden City Regional Airport – Open. Administrative offices are not open to walk‐in traffic.

Police Department – Law Enforcement Center is closed to walk‐in traffic.

Fire Department – Closed to walk‐in traffic.

Municipal Court – Closed per direction from the State of Kansas Supreme Court regarding the court system. Staff is available by phone and internet.

We will make decisions about re‐opening City facilities to foot traffic in two‐week increments and based on local data received from the Finney County Health Department.

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