July 3, 2024

Knight Honored with 2019 Rural Economic Development Leadership Award

Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation

Kansas City, Missouri – Joann Knight, Executive Director of Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation in Dodge City, Kansas received the 2019 Rural Economic Development Leadership Award for outstanding leadership in the field of rural economic development.

Nominees consist of economic development professionals, rural electric cooperative/rural telephone staff or board members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in an economic development project resulting in the improvement of the quality of life, creation of new jobs, and opportunity for growth and development in rural America.

“Joann has set an example in her community for bringing people together who have differing ideas, always looking for a solution to meet community needs and understanding solutions needed to work for all residents.”  Stated Dennis Mingyar, NREDA Awards Committee Chair. “Her success a testament to her reputation and the integrity she demonstrates in her profession.” 

Mingyar presented the award at the association’s 2019 NREDA Annual Conference with more than 150 members in attendance. 

Knight was chosen by a national selection committee representing electric and telephone cooperatives from across the nation. NREDA is a vital network of rural economic development professionals providing expertise and national leadership on rural issues.

NREDA is an organization of economic development professionals focused upon the issues and opportunities of rural America. It is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of its membership through ongoing education and networking programs, while serving as an information source and conduit for developers, site selectors and prospective businesses to NREDA members and the areas they serve. For more information about NREDA visit www.nreda.org or contact NREDA headquarters at (515) 284-1421.