July 3, 2024

GCCC Trustees Reinstate Open Comments from the Public in September 10 Meeting

Garden City Community College

[Garden City, KS, September 11, 2019–] During a regularly scheduled meeting on September 10, the Board of Trustees for Garden City Community College voted to reinstate the open comments from the public segment of GCCC Board meetings and discussed monitoring options for auxiliary entities tied to GCCC.

Open Comments Return

The Board of Trustees for GCCC voted to adopt a new Policy for open comments from the public and to bring back the public comments segment of the Board meetings. The Board voted to amend the agenda for the September 10 meeting, and it was revised to include open comments under the newly defined Policy on Open Comments, which states:

“Public Comment: 30 minutes total, 5 minutes per individual. Comments should be relevant to matters over which the Board has authority. Speakers should respect the rights of all persons, and they should not engage in personal attacks or disruptive behavior. This time is not intended to be a question and answer time. The Board cannot take any binding action on matters not on the agenda. The Board has a right to conduct an orderly and efficient public meeting. Comments directed to the Board should pertain to Ends, Mission, Essential Skills, Work Preparedness, Academic Advancement, Personal Enrichment, and Workforce Development.”

Monitoring of Auxiliary Entities

The Board engaged in discussions about monitoring auxiliary entities of the college, specifically the Broncbuster Athletic Association and Endowment Association. Discussion focused mainly on whether the Board would seek to rely on the GCCC President to monitor auxiliary entities, or whether the Board would seek to play a more active role in monitoring those entities itself, through alternative methods which might include continued or new ex-officio offices held within those entities and/or the unofficial, periodic attendance at entity meetings by members of the Board. The Board also heard reports from Faculty Senate, Student Government, and the President during the September 10 meeting. No action was taken regarding monitoring of auxiliary entities.