July 6, 2024

New Alumni Contact Form Available on GCCC Website

(Article courtesy of GCCC Director of Public Relations, Ashley Salazar)

GARDEN CITY, Kan. — Garden City Community College is pleased to announce the launch of a new Alumni Contact Form, which is accessible on the GCCC website, gcccks.edu, under the “Alumni” tab.  All Alumni of Garden City Community College are encouraged to complete the form and send it to alumni@gcccks.edu

Contact information requested on the form will be used to keep GCCC alumni updated on events happening at GCCC—especially those celebrations which are currently being planned by the campus for the 100th Anniversary of the college.

In addition to contact information, the form also asks alumni to tell the college about themselves, including questions about their current profession, why they selected GCCC, and what advice they have for current GCCC students.   Alumni are also encouraged to send in photos of themselves.  These photos and alumni stories may be used in upcoming alumni spotlights, magazines, and 100th Anniversary Celebration publications.

For questions about the Alumni Contact Form or the 100th Anniversary of GCCC, contact GCCC Director of Public Relations, Ashley Salazar at 620-276-9622 or ashley.salazar@gcccks.edu.

Garden City Community College exists to produce positive contributors to the economic and social well-being of society.