July 7, 2024

CHAD is looking for their next home renovation project in Dodge City

The Community Housing Association of Dodge City (CHAD) operates the Abandoned Housing Program. The Abandoned Housing Program acquires vacant homes throughout the community, rehabilitates the homes and places them back into service as quality housing. These rehabbed homes fit into the low- to –moderate income levels and creates safe affordable housing for our community.  One advantages of the Abandoned Housing Program is neighborhood stabilization. The renovation of older homes not only improves the quality of the neighborhood, but also removes blight and reduces crime that comes with vacant houses.  Rehabbing vacant homes is cost effective, innovative and succeeds in making more housing units available to the community. Rehabilitating abandoned housing puts property back onto the tax roll.

Thanks to in-kind donations of material and labor from supporters, CHAD is able to complete these renovations and improvements at reduced costs.  To date, CHAD has renovated six homes; four of which have been sold and two are rentals. “Living in a CHAD home as been beneficial to my daughter and I because it has given us the opportunity to live in a nice home that is within a single income budget” said Naomi who is a current renter.  Margarita, who purchased the first rehabilitated home said “I am a single mother of three young girls and I am very thankful that I was able to find an affordable and beautiful home through the Community Housing Association of Dodge City. Because of this program, it made my dream of becoming a home owner a reality, I couldn’t have done it without the Community Housing Association.”

CHAD is a 501 (c)(3) organization that accepts donations of most real estate. A charitable house donation can secure you a meaningful tax deduction while freeing yourself from a financially hindering property.  Please contact Mollea at 620-371-3869 if you would like further information.

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