July 6, 2024

Kansas Lieutenant Governor visiting Garden City High School Friday

The Lieutenant Governor of Kansas, Tracey Mann, will be in Garden City on March 9, 2018.  He will be visiting Garden City High School at 8:30 a.m. to discuss the recently signed Executive Order 18-10 by Governor Jeff Colyer, M.D., creating a Governor’s Education Council.   The Council’s purpose will be to improve the outcomes for Kansas kids.


This group will provide a platform for connecting educators from Pre-K through higher education with leaders in the business community and state policymakers. Their mission will be to promote policies and strategies to effectively prepare students to successfully enter and thrive in the rapidly-changing 21st century workforce.


Lt. Governor Mann will take a short tour of the high school.  He will then speak to a group of student leaders at the school, along with a number of faculty members, in the high school library.


The full text of the Executive Order can be found at https://governor.kansas.gov/executive-order-18-10-governors-education-council/