July 5, 2024

Beef Empire Days Ranch Rodeo

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) Beef Empire Days held their Ranch Rodeo over the weekend and the contest came down to the wire.

In the short run Bar B Bar finished third with a time of 1:45:93. Defending champs Rafter JB finished second at 1:41:75. Winning by a little over a second, Keith Cattle finished with a time of 1:40:22.

The Keith Cattle team won $1,600 in prize money and was also given three custom made saddles for each member.

Beef Empire Days continues on Tuesday with the “Rely on Revalor” live show at 9 a.m. at the Finney County Fairgrounds. Following that will be the Public Pick 5 at 12 p.m. at the Fairgrounds Grandstands.