July 6, 2024

While Waiting on the Court; Karlin Makes His Case For Additional School Funding

Garden City, KS (westernkansasnews.com) Another big battle this winter in Topeka will be what will solve the adequacy portion of the school funding battle once the State Supreme Court rules. Here’s why Garden City Superintendent Doctor Steve Karlin at USD 457 believes state funding at current levels has fallen behind.



With every school district seeking more a big amount maybe needed to put this problem to rest.


Some in the legislature and superintendents would be satisfied if the added amount would be incrementally poured in over several years.   

Besides waiting on the State Supreme Court decision on whether additional revenues are needed to fulfill the adequacy stipulation for funding education, the legislature is also charged with devising a new funding model this session.

Garden City Superintendent Dr. Steve Karlin does not understand why the legislature is dragging their feet in coming up with what they have promised two years ago.


Karlin says waiting for the Supreme Court to decide the adequacy component of school funding should have in no way delayed working on this new funding model.

*On-air story*




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